Sharing my thoughts, observations, and ideas on TV, books, life...and so much more
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I Want to Believe
Sweet Anticipation (Books Coming Soon)
I'm currently reading "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath, but I already have my eye out on the horizon for some potentially interesting reads which are due out soon. Here's a quick rundown:
"El Juego Del Angel" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. This is number one on my list (already pre-ordered at Amazon). I've been waiting for this book from the moment I read the last page of Zafon's last book "La Sombra Del Viento" (Shadow of the Wind). Most of you won't be able to read this as soon as it comes out because it's in Spanish, but if it's anywhere near as good as his last, then I'm sure it will be on your must read list too when the English edition comes out. (Available 5/13)
"Bright Shiny Morning" by James Frey. This will be the first novel by the controversial author of "A Million Little Pieces" after the whole Oprah memoir debacle. The publisher describes it as "a sweeping chronicle of contemporary Los Angeles that is bold, exhilirating and utterly original." Will it make the list of Oprah's Favorite Things? Hmmm. Nah. (Available 5/13)
"The Horsemaster's Daughter" by Susan Wiggs. A historical romance might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's a must on my summer reading list. A good romance can always cure what ails you. (Available 6/1; paperback)
"Me of Little Faith" by Lewis Black. A new book from the irreverant comic and Daily Show regular, "a ferociously funny exploration of religion and faith." (Available 6/3)
"The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks. I'm a sap for a love story, plus I've read most of his previous books, including "The Notebook", "A Walk to Remember", "Message in a Bottle", and "The Wedding". It's sure to include more than a few Kleenex moments. (Available 9/30)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Till the Sun Turns Black (Ray LaMontagne)

This Week on the Boob Tube

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Britain's Got Talent
Here was this unassuming and shy cell phone salesman, bullied as a kid (I'm a sucker for a sob story) whom the judges automatically discounted just based on his appearance. He ends up wowing the judges and audience. After that first video, I tried finding others on the website for the TV station which airs the show, and was unable to view them because I was outside the UK (that's changed this year). Undeterred, I decided to follow his journey on the show, as long as it lasted, via the YouTube videos posted by British viewers. Long story short, Paul Potts went on to win Britain's Got Talent.
This year, I'm yet again following the show via YouTube videos. I already have a couple favorites - 13 year old Andrew Johnston, who totally reminds me of Paul Potts, and Scala, an all-girl electric string instrument group. Take a peek at the following videos of each of my favorites and let me know what you think. You can check out more videos at Cheerio old chaps!
Andrew Johnston
Friday, April 25, 2008
Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?

Mother's Day
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Book Reviews of Early 2008 Favorites

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
An Engineer's Guide to Cats
TV Gets a Run for It's Money
In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that in recent years books have taken a back seat to my love affair with Mr. TV. Whereas the relationship with Mr. TV was hot and steamy, my relationship with books was relegated to that with a batty old aunt which you visit every blue moon and dutifully endure the visit because you have to, after all she's your aunt.
In February, as the big 40 rolled around, I watched the movie Away from Her (a love story of a woman coping with Alzheimer’s – highly recommend it), and I became paranoid (and slightly obsessed) with the need to use my brain a little more. I read somewhere that our brain is like a muscle which needs to be used to stay in shape. Using the exercise analogy, I admitted to myself that watching Dancing with the Stars is the equivalent of doing one sit-up and calling it a day. I started doing crossword puzzles at night, I even attempted Sudoku puzzles, without much success, so I guess the deterioriation has already started. Lastly, I decided to read more.
Since February, I’ve read: The Gathering by Anne Enright, The Bonesetter's Daugher by Amy Tan, Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson, Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella, An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor, Night by Elie Wiesel, 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper, and Atonement by Ian McEwan to name a few.
I'm glad to say my relationship with books is back on sure-footing and in my next post you'll find a review of some of my favorites from the previous list.
Catch a Cab, You Won't Regret It
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
There's a First Time for Everything
As all my friends and family know and as evident from my blog title, I'm a TV addict. I watch at least 2 to 3 hours of TV per day. I wish I could say I was only watching documentaries on the History Channel or political commentary on CNN, but alas the bulk of my time is taken up by what most TV snubs would deem "mindless dribble", those two dirty little words...reality TV. I love Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, Big Brother, Survivor, America's Next Top Model and So You Think You Can Dance. Luckily, they don't all run at the same time of the year. I round off my viewing schedule with House, Chuck, Heroes, The Office, Lost and an occassional episode of 60 Minutes, so that my brain doesn't completely turn to mush.
My hope for this blog is to share with you, the reader - more than likely family and friends, my insights and feelings on TV shows, movies, books (yes, I still remember how to read even with my busy TV viewing schedule) and life in general. I hope that you'll visit often and share your thoughts and opinions on my thoughts and opinions. Thanks for this first visit. Please come again!