I picked what seems a very simple pattern. I've even opted for the rolled hem style, to avoid knitting the ribbed hem, neck and cuffs. My knitting teacher/co-worker thinks I might be getting a little over my head, but heck, I have nothing to lose. If I mess up and it doesn't turn out well, I can discard it and consider it a trial run for the real thing. The plan(hope) is to send the completed sweater to Guidepost's Knit for Kids, an organization that sends handmade sweaters to needy children all over the world. I will only send it if it's absolutely perfect, and if all goes well, I plan on attaching one of these lovely little labels to the inside collar.

Hopefully the next post you read from me on knitting will include a photo of the completed project. Cross your fingers for me and wish me well. If not for me, do it for the poor child that'll be getting my sweater.