As the story progresses, we learn of Lynnie's story and how at the young age of eight she had been separated from her beloved Nah-nah (Hannah), her sister, and left by her parents at the school. We meet her friend Kate, an attendant at the school, and the only staff member to show Lynnie kindness and believe that she isn't as limited as the school believes. For years, Kate had nurtured Lynnie's artistic talent by giving her the supplies to draw as well as hiding those drawings from other school staff, and it's through her drawings that Lynnie communicates the events of that fateful night to Kate, who keeps Lynnie's secret. Through it all, we read of Martha's steps to fulfill her promise to Lynnie, and how she relies on a network of past students to help her both hide Julia, as well as raise her.
I really enjoyed the story, it was beautiful and touching. The story arc is slightly unrealistic, though I guess not any more so than any of the romance novels I read. The novel is structured so that each chapter focuses on one individual's life during a specific year. The story begins with the widow in 1968 and ends with Julia in 2011. One downside to the novel was that given the large span of time covered, there were understandably quite a few gaps in time in the story. For example, we read about Martha in 1973 but her next chapter picks up with her and Julia's story in 1983. When I think about it though, I guess my one complaint is a compliment in disguise, because it speaks to the fact that the story and the characters were compelling enough to make me want to know more about each of their lives.
Lastly, an interesting feature of the storyline was the incorporation of the real media awakening which took place in the early 1970's to the horrors taking place in institutions like the fictional one featured in the novel. As noted in Ms. Simon's author's note, it was 1972 when Geraldo Rivera aired a horrifying story on the atrocities taking place at Willowbrook State School. The novel does well in covering how far we, as a society, have come in our treatment of people with developmental and mental disabilities and the care offered in institutions, though sadly, in many countries some of these iniquities still take place.