Thanks to the endless nagging of a dear friend (thank you again!), last Fall I read the entire Hunger Games trilogy (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay), so I was eagerly anticipating this movie, as was half the country. Maybe it was all the hype or my own eager anticipation, but I must say I was slightly disappointed. The movie was good, but not great. Jennifer Lawrence did an admirable job in her role as Katniss, but I expected as much given her gut-wrenching performance in last year's Winter's Bone. My problem lies with the characterization of Peeta in the film, not Hutcherson's acting, but the way his character was adapted for the screen. Whereas in the book, Peeta is a quiet yet charismatic figure who brings equal value to the Katniss and Peeta relationship through his strategizing and ease in charming their sponsors, in the movie he's portrayed as a liability or at worst an albatross Katniss is burdened to care for at the expense of her own safety at times. A simpleton whose sole appeal is the fact that he loves Katniss. Since Peeta is my favorite character from all three books, I found this discrepancy highly frustrating to say the least. Another small issue I had was the fact that the director must have used hand-held cameras during some of the action sequences, because they were downright jumpy and a little dizzying at times.
Overall, if you're a fan of the books, the movie is a must see, if for no other reason than comparison's sake. To be honest, whether you read the books or not, you'll enjoy the film because despite my gripes, the movie still kept me enthralled for the whole two and a half hours. Expect drama, action, blood, and a sprinkling of romance to sweeten the pot.