Saturday, August 9, 2008

Longing for Autumn

Hi all, sorry I haven't been posting lately but I have a bit of the summer blues. To be honest, I'm sooo over summer. I'm anxiously anticipating Autumn and everything that comes with it, like cool crisp sweatshirt-wearing weather, new episodes of all my favorite TV shows (House, Heroes, and Chuck, to name a few), the Emmy Awards, smart movies at the theater - you know the "Oscar-worthy" material that they save until everyone gets their fill of the blow em' up, shoot 'em up summer blockbusters, and last but not! I always enjoy football, but even more so now that my Jets went and got a future first round hall of famer by the name of Brett Favre as our quarterback. I'm thrilled to say that I had purchased tickets to see the pre-season Jets vs. Giants game before Brett was even a possibility, so I'll be seeing number "4" play right in front of my very eyes very soon.

Enjoy what's left of summer. For now, I'll let dreams of my Jets in the playoffs (hey, anything is possible) help see me through the rest of August.