I took advantage of the beautiful day yesterday and after a long absence visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the current special exhibits, "Superheroes - Fashion and Fantasy" and "Jeff Koons on the Roof" which each run only until the Fall.

Anybody that enjoys movie superheroes or the medium which gave birth to them--comic books--will enjoy the Superheroes exhibit. Superhero costumes on display included the Batman costume worn by Christian Bale in the upcoming "Dark Knight" movie, the original Superman costume worn by Christopher Reeves, the Iron Man costume worn by Robert Downey Jr. in this summer's blockbuster "Iron Man", and my personal favorite the Wonder Woman costume originally worn by Lynda Carter. Also on display are some of the comic books which inspired their on-screen counterparts, including the Action Comics 1 issued June 1938 which featured the very first Superman and The Incredible Hulk 1 issued back in May 1962 (for a cover price of a whopping 10 cents). Unfortunately, this exhibit didn't permit photography.

The day couldn't have been better to enjoy the "Jeff Koons on the Roof" exhibit which was displayed on The Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden. With blue skies as a backdrop, the sculptures (Balloon Dog, Sacred Heart, and Coloring Book) which are created of high chromium stainless steel gleamed bright and beautiful in the sunlight. The Sacred Heart brought back memories of my childhood, reminding me of the beautifully wrapped huge chocolate Easter eggs we'd get as gifts.
Of course, since I was already there I enjoyed some of the permanent galleries as well. I had taken my camera with me, so for the first time ever during one of my visits I took a couple photos of some of my favorites. The museum allows photography of the permanent collection galleries, but does not permit the use of flash.
Cupid and Psyche...So romantic!
I visit these guys everytime I go to the Met. I find them quite romantic as well. I guess it's all the historical romance novels I've read which are corroding my mind, but I can easily imagine these knights going off to battle to defend some maiden's honor.
This is Hercules. Quite a handsome fellow, wouldn't you say? You're getting the G rated version, since I took the photo from the waist up.
This one is my favorite, in spite of the lighting not being great. I finished off the day with a stop for cupcakes (yummy!) at Billy's Bakery located on 9th Avenue.

They were almost too pretty to eat weren't they?...but I did anyway. By the way, their banana cake was to die for...even better than the cupcakes. Overall, it was the perfect ending to a perfect day.