In a flashback from last year's drama with Marie Osmond (fainting) and Mark Ballas (dislocated shoulder), we had yet another injury on Monday's
Dancing with the Stars when Cristian de la Fuente injured his arm mid-dance, dropping partner Cheryl Burke right on her rear. Luckily, Cristian was OK and will be continuing on the show, despite needing surgery, which he said he'll take care of after the show (
I knew this guy was a little nuts. This explains his crazy eyes while he's dancing.). On the Wednesday results show, America brought an end to the showmance, and sent Shannon Elizabeth and Derek packing. After much waiting,
House was back, on it's new night of Monday (temporarily). In typical House form, his first words were "What's with the idiot?" which he asked Cameron when he spotted a chubby guy smiling, calmly waiting in the ER as staff rushed around ignoring him. During a subsequent conversation with House, the guy was exceedingly nice, which of course, lead House to conclude that the man is seriously ill, and that his niceness is a symptom of the disease. While the patient's case was mildly interesting, the best part of the episode centered around House's battle with Cutthroat Bitch aka Amber over visitation rights for Wilson. Serving as a King Solomon figure, Cuddy wisely intercedes in the custody dispute and they settle on every other weekend and Wednesday's, but Wilson must be home by eleven. As usual, the best part of the show are the scenes between House and Wilson.
American Idol had it's fair share of drama, though not related to singing. In a classic Paula moment, when asked by Ryan to give a quick run down of her thoughts on the contestants first performance, she critiqued Jason on his two songs, when in fact he had only performed once. This inspired all sort of conspiracy theories on the internet (deemed Paulagate), including the assertion that judges might be given scripted comments in advance of the live performance. In spite of my low expectations for Neil Diamond night, the top 5 were in pretty good form at least during one of their two performances. In the end, the contestant going home was Brooke White. I think America made the right decision. In recent weeks, I felt that Brooke had reached her breaking point and that the stress was really getting to her. It was a sad farewell as she thanked everyone and said her goodbyes, but it was definitely time.
There's plenty of reasons to watch TV next week. On
House, Monday will be the last regular episode as we head towards the two-part season finale which starts on 5/12, and on
Dancing with the Stars Tuesday results show, they'll be welcoming back some fan favorites from previous seasons, including Apolo Ohno
(fangirly yeah!!!) (See "Tune In Alert" post below).