Sharing my thoughts, observations, and ideas on TV, books, life...and so much more
Saturday, May 31, 2008
On This Day (in 1990)
Here's a clip of one my favorite episodes "Marine Biologist." For all those non-"Seinfeld" fans, the episode centered around George pretending to be a marine biologist (the career fabrication was Jerry's, George would have preferred being an architect) in order to date a girl he knew in college, and Kramer trying to improve his golf swing by shooting golf balls into the ocean. The episode ends with an unforgettable and hilarious scene where in dramatic fashion George tells the gang the story of how he heroically saved a whale at the beach. Classic "Seinfeld" at its very best.
A "Lost" Confession
Friday, May 30, 2008
CBS Tries to Shake Off Fuddy Duddy Image
Death of a Comic Genius
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Mole
For all of you that didn't watch the show's previous seasons, the game involves 12 players, one of which is a traitor working for the producers and sabotaging the competitions. The game sends the players across the globe, competing in physical challenges--which the Mole discreetly sabotages--to win prize money which is accumulated for the winner. The goal is to study your opponents and keep track of information. At the end of each episode, a quiz is given to see how much each contestant knows about the Mole, the contestant with the lowest score is eliminated from the game. Players can try to get other contestants to either think they are the Mole or draw suspicion onto someone else in hopes that others will do poorly on the quiz and get kicked off. The physical challenges in past seasons were pretty cool, including a hostage rescue and skydiving, so I'm sure this season won't disappoint. In fact, in this season premiere the players supposedly will be jumping over the edge of a waterfall.
As in all reality shows, a huge determining factor in the success of the show is the contestants. This season's contestants are pretty varied, both in age and profession. Below is a list of the 12 contestants for this season and some interesting and potentially revealing tidbits from their bios on I'm especially looking forward to watching the game play of the self-dubbed "pla'ya" from NY.
Liz (Whitefish, MT), 60, Retired
"Liz is a widow. When her husband passed away, she decided to adopt two children and raise them on her own...Her son may be deployed to Iraq at any time."
Marcie (Corona, CA), 31, Stay at home mom
Marcie is married to a police officer and has three children. "Stay-at-home moms are not people that can't do anything else, they just choose to raise their families rather than pursue a career."
Alex(Haverford, PA), 31, Musician
Alex has always loved music and is an aspiring musician. "He doesn't want to compromise his aspirations of being a musician, thus he works odd jobs and lives at home with his parents while waiting for his big break."
Craig (San Diego, CA), 30, Graphic Designer
"Craig has been overweight his entire life so he developed a sense of humor to make friends. Craig has sleep apnea, so he must sleep with a special machine to help him breath while sleeping."
Ali (St. Louis, MO), 24, Model
Ali has been a ring girl for Ultimate Fighting Championship. "She describes herself as "stunning" and believes her beauty helps her get her way, but also causes people to instantly dismiss her, which she plans on using to her benefit in the game."
Bobby (Philadelphia, PA), 25, Restaurant Manager
"He is a hardcore fan of The Mole and used to host Mole watching parties in his basement."
Mark (Mukwonago, WI), 42, High School History Teacher/Soccer Coach
"Mark is an extremely competitive high school soccer coach and world history teacher. He plays to win and has no tolerance for whiners."
Nicole (Chicago, IL), 32, OBGYN Doctor
"She's very proud of being a doctor and has no problem with being considered a diva."
Clay (Philadelphia, PA), 32, Criminal Litigation Attorney
"Clay admits he suffers a bit from OCD. He has been known to touch a light switch ten times before he can leave a room."
Kristen (Santa Monica, CA), 35, Neuroscientist
"She is currently conducting research to find a cure for Parkinson's Disease at UCLA...Kristen feels her best trait is her kindness and her worst trait is that she's a perfectionist."
Paul (Yonkers, NY), 29, Utility Worker
"Paul has the accent and demeanor that clearly reveals he's an Italian New Yorker from Yonkers...He admits and his wife will readily agree that he just doesn't know when to shut up."
Victoria (Bishop, TX), 26, Retail Manager
"Victoria is a spunky, former pageant girl and cheerleader from a small town in Texas...She admits one of her flaws is that she cusses like a sailor."
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Networks Trying to Make a Difference in the Fight Against Cancer
"The American Cancer Society predicts that 1.4 million new cancer cases will be diagnosed this year." Given this staggering number, chances are you've been affected by cancer or at least know someone who's had cancer. As such, the importance of cancer research can never be overestimated. Other telethons in the past, such as the one held after 9/11 or after Hurricane Katrina, have proven American's generosity in times of crisis. This is no less of a crisis, so remember to tune in on September 5th and give whatever you can.
Voting and You!
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets

Monday, May 26, 2008

Day Trip (The Met and Cupcakes)

Of course, since I was already there I enjoyed some of the permanent galleries as well. I had taken my camera with me, so for the first time ever during one of my visits I took a couple photos of some of my favorites. The museum allows photography of the permanent collection galleries, but does not permit the use of flash.
Cupid and Psyche...So romantic!
I visit these guys everytime I go to the Met. I find them quite romantic as well. I guess it's all the historical romance novels I've read which are corroding my mind, but I can easily imagine these knights going off to battle to defend some maiden's honor.
This is Hercules. Quite a handsome fellow, wouldn't you say? You're getting the G rated version, since I took the photo from the waist up.
This one is my favorite, in spite of the lighting not being great.
I finished off the day with a stop for cupcakes (yummy!) at Billy's Bakery located on 9th Avenue.
They were almost too pretty to eat weren't they?...but I did anyway. By the way, their banana cake was to die for...even better than the cupcakes. Overall, it was the perfect ending to a perfect day.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Rock the
My vote getters were Jonah Hill (Superbad) for Best Comedic Performance; Ellen Page (Juno) for Best Female Performance; Matt Damon vs. Joey Ansah (The Bourne Ultimatum) for Best Fight; Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey (Enchanted) for Best Kiss; Matt Damon (The Bourne Ultimatum) for Best Male Performance; Juno for Best Movie; Iron Man for Best Summer Movie So Far; Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men) for Best Villain; and last but not least Christopher Mintz-Plasse "McLovin" (Superbad) for Breakthrough Performance. (If you vote only one category then make it a vote for McLovin!)
This year's host will be Mike Myers (hopefully he'll leave the Love Guru at home), and he'll be joined by a host of A-list celebrities who have signed on to be presenters including Will Ferrell, Jack Black, Edward Norton, and Robert Downey Jr. to name a few. You can always expect the unexpected with this show, which makes for an interesting evening. For example, last year's show had a hilarious moment between Will Ferrell and Sacha Baron Cohen from "Talledega Nights" who won for Best Kiss and re-enacted their on-screen smooch on stage, ending the moment rolling around on the floor. While Will and Sacha's kiss was memorable to say the least, my all-time favorite Best Kiss winners were Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams from "The Notebook." Their on-stage kiss was as steamy as any from the movie.
Vote for your favorites and let the best man or woman win.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A Day of Remembrance (Memorial Day)

The Unknown Soldier
You need not ever know my name
This unknown soldier seeks no fame
I'm here to bring out thought from you
May your heart see more than your view
America, we marched with pride
We gave our life, for you we died
How well we knew the time might come
When life could sound that final drum
Please think of us as life moves on
We tried so hard till that last dawn
Do let our spirit fill the land
Pass treasured freedom, hand to hand
God blessed this country with such love
Hold in your heart, abundance of
And when you stand before my grave
Think not of one, but each who gave
©2003 Roger J. Robicheau
* * *
Remember to pause on Monday to honor the memory of the many selfless men and women who bravely--not in the absence of fear, but in spite of their fear--risked or gave their lives for our country, and give thanks to those men and women--and their families--who today stand at the ready, willing to bear the burden of keeping us safe.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Summer Olympics (Root, Root, Root for the Home Team)
Some will moan and groan about the interruption to typical summer TV fare, but personally I'm looking forward to the Olympics and love what they stand for. It's an ideal, which though no longer pure thanks to doping scandals-such as with Marion Jones, is still praise-worthy. The idea of athletes from around the globe coming together in peace (a feat unto itself in today's world) to compete in sports, not for prize money, but for the honor of representing their country and the chance at being the best in their field. Young men and women who train for years for that one chance at glory, with all their hopes and dreams riding on a few precious minutes, sometimes seconds.
As for the TV coverage, the opening ceremony is always must-see TV in my house, and I await it with the same eager anticipation most people reserve for Christmas morning--or I reserve for the Oscars--and the excitement builds as the parade of nations draws near. I love to hear the roar of the crowd as the athletes come in proudly carrying their country's flag, and the anticipation until the U.S. flag enters the stadium, followed by a contingent of mostly young and eager faces all dressed in matching outfits, like school kids in uniform out on an exciting class trip. Once the actual competition starts, the one sport I try to follow (schedule permitting) during the summer olympics is women's gymnastics. U.S. women's gymnastics has been the source of some of my favorite olympic moments in the past, including Mary Lou Retton's perfect 10 on the vault and floor exercise in the 1984 Olympics, and Kerri Strug landing her last vault on one foot in order to earn a high enough score to qualify the U.S. for the gold in the team competition. I'm hoping they can create a couple more memorable moments during these olympics.
Another part of the coverage which I totally eat up are those sappy background stories they do on athletes and their families, with stirring background music and soft lighting, so that every frame evokes just enough emotion to tug on your heartstrings. Or better yet, when they cover the underdogs--the long shots hoping for a Cinderella story--which leave you cheering for them with the same excitement as for a family member, and ultimately (majority of the time) leave you heartbroken for their loss. The medal ceremonies are pretty special too, whether its seeing a young athlete's face as they get their medal and their realization that their dream came true, or when one of our athletes wins--seeing our flag hanging from the rafters or waving in the wind and hearing our anthem played for all to hear. There is an undeniable feeling of pride, as if the accomplishment is ours collectively.
So get out your U.S. flag (or your country's, if not from the U.S.), fluff up your pom-poms, freshen up on your anthem and get ready to cheer for the home team.
SYTYCD Kicks It Off with a Bang
Thursday, May 22, 2008
A Reading Test
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdaniegThe phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid!
Accodrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabridgde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Once (Soundtrack is the Shining Star)

The movie is lovely but brief (only 86 minutes long), strictly serving as a vehicle with which to share the wonderful music. According to Hansard’s Oscar speech (he and Irglova won best song for “Falling Slowly”), this movie was made for a hundred grand with two Handycams in the span of three weeks, yet as far as the music is concerned, this movie is as good if not better, than some of the Broadway musicals that have recently hit the big screen…without the cheesy dialogue and dance numbers.
Check out this movie, but better yet, buy the soundtrack. You won’t be disappointed. Hansard and Irglova have another CD out titled “The Swell Season” with which their touring. If you want to listen to a few of the songs from “Once” and the new CD, as well as check out their tour schedule, click here to visit their MySpace page. Be sure to listen to my two favorite songs, “If You Want Me” and “Falling Slowly.”
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Thought-Activated TV...Couch Potatoes Rejoice!

Couch potatoes should control their glee though, because these lovely caps supposedly have "several problems to overcome before the gadgetry is suitable for widespread use." Hmmm...wonder what those problems could be, and if they involve test subjects having to be forklifted out of their homes after prolonged use?
Finale Fever
And so
Yes folks, the end is near for both “Dancing with the Stars” (DWTS) and “American Idol”. Both have been lackluster, yet enjoyable, seasons with pretty obvious outcomes from the beginning of the season. Last night the final three couples on DWTS (Kristi and Mark, Jason and Edyta, and Cristian and Cheryl) danced their last dances (cha cha and freestyle) and left it all on the dance floor, including clothing items, in hopes of winning America’s votes and taking home the shiny mirror-ball trophy. While Jason and Edyta have been my favorites throughout the season, I can’t deny the obvious outcome which will be Kristi winning it all based on pure technical skill. I’m nothing if not optimistic though, so I’m still hoping for a Jason and Edyta upset. I must say I’ll miss the sparkly dresses, spray on tans, and bad music, but I’ll have “So You Think You Can Dance” (starting Thursday) to console me.
"House" reached its season's end last night with a fabulous double-hanky weeper of an episode. Kudos to Robert Sean Leonard (Wilson) for his moving performance last night. Every tear and emotion he conveyed - sadness, anger, acceptance - seemed heartfelt and genuine. A round of applause to Anne Dudek (Amber) as well, who in the last few weeks transformed cutthroat bitch into a young woman in love whom we could actually care about and ultimately weep for in last night's episode.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Saturday, May 17, 2008
A Gem of a Find to Add to My TV Viewing Schedule
"Fringe" is created by J.J. Abrams, the creator of such great shows as "Alias" and "Lost." FOX describes the show as follows:
"When an international flight lands at Boston's Logan Airport and the passengers and crew have all died grisly deaths, FBI Special Agent OLIVIA DUNHAM (newcomer Anna Torv) is called in to investigate. After her partner, Special Agent JOHN SCOTT (Mark Valley, "Boston Legal"), is nearly killed during the investigation, a desperate Olivia searches frantically for someone to help, leading her to DR. WALTER BISHOP (John Noble, "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King"), our generation's Einstein. There's only one catch: he's been institutionalized for the last 20 years, and the only way to question him requires pulling his estranged son PETER (Joshua Jackson, "Dawson's Creek") in to help.
When Olivia's investigation leads her to manipulative corporate executive NINA SHARP (Blair Brown, "Altered States"), our unlikely trio along with fellow FBI Agents PHILLIP BROYLES (Lance Reddick, "The Wire"), CHARLIE FRANCIS (Kirk Acevedo, "Oz") and ASTRID FARNSWORTH (Jasika Nicole, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent") will discover that what happened on Flight 627 is only a small piece of a larger, more shocking truth."
If the above tidbits aren't enough to perk your interest, watch this sneak peek of the pilot.
X-Files: I Want to Believe Trailer
Friday, May 16, 2008
It's Here!

SNL’s Smart Choice for Finale Host
Optical Illusion

If you look at the above images from your seat in front of the computer, Mr. Angry is on the left, and Ms. Calm is on the right.
Get up from your seat, and move back 12 feet, and PRESTO, they switch places!!
It is said this illusion was created by Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of the University of Glasgow.
Does this prove that we sometimes may not be seeing what's actually there?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Idol Producers Get Early Christmas Present
Britain's Got Talent - A New Favorite
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
American Idol Final Three
TV Doctors: Curing the World In An Hour

Who would you include on the list? Here's a few extra choices which didn't make it to my shortlist: Dr. Derek Sheperd 'McDreamy' (Patrick Dempsey) from "Grey's Anatomy", Dr. Phillip Chandler (Denzel Washington) from "St. Elsewhere", or if you're male, maybe you'd prefer Dr. Michaela Quinn (Jane Seymour) from "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman".
DWTS: The Semi-Finals
Luckily, there's only one more week left until this season's big finale, which will hopefully include Jason and Edyta, as well as some original and creative freestyles that bring the wow back to the dance floor. And if not, we always have next season. Tune in tomorrow to see who falls short of the finale.
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Brilliance that is "House"
Sunday, May 11, 2008
This Past Week on the Boob Tube (5/11)

On Monday's House, House indulged his soap opera addiction by bringing a little drama to a daytime drama, when he kidnapped and later drugged his favorite daytime actor because he was convinced he was dying of a brain tumor. Cameron got some extra screen time in this episode, as Cuddy delegated the job of cleaning House's patients records due to an ongoing hospital inspection. For me, the patient cases in the last couple episodes have taken a back seat to the House/Wilson/Amber storyline, and this week was no exception. Amber finally performed the unthinkable, she won me over. Yes, cutthroat bitch has a new fan. What did the trick? The touching scene when she tells Wilson that she can take care of herself, and that she needs him to take care of himself by making decisions that make him happy so that he doesn't grow to resent her. As for the case, in the end it turned out to be an allergy to quinine brought about by the fake doctor's, the patient and soap star, not House, sipping from prop cocktails during filming.
Tuesday's American Idol was marked by ho-hum performances from the final four. The biggest disappointment of the night was my favorite blue-eyed dreadlock dude, Jason, who was beat up by the judges for forgetting the lyrics to his second song (Tambourine Man). Wednesday's results show was pretty anti-climatic as Simon's "you better pack warning" proved true, and an obviously relieved and giddy Jason was sent home.
I flaked out mid-season on Survivor, but I'll definitely be tuning in Sunday for the finale and reunion. We'll see which of the ladies will take home the cash. [Update: Parvati beat out Amanda to take home the million dollar check. (Boo! What was the jury thinking?) Congrats to James for winning the $100K player of the season prize.]
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A Mother's Day Message

"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."
--Washington Irving
Coming Soon to a Video Store Near You
The Great Debaters, PG-13 (Denzel Washington)
Untraceable, R (Diane Lane)
Mad Money, PG-13 (Diane Keaton)
National Treasure: Book of Secrets, PG (Nicolas Cage)
Rambo, R (Sylvester Stallone)
The Eye, PG-13 (Jessica Alba)
Semi-Pro, R (Will Ferrell)
The Bucket List, PG-13 (Jack Nicholson)
The Other Boleyn Girl, PG-13 (Scarlett Johansson)
Happy viewing!
27 Dresses

Friday, May 9, 2008
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
MENSA's Top 10 Smartest TV Shows
Here is Werdell’s list (in no particular order):
1. “M*A*S*H”
2. “Cosmos” (with Carl Sagan)
3. “CSI”
4. “House”
5. “West Wing”
6. “Boston Legal”
7. “All in the Family”
8. “Frasier”
9. “Mad About You”
10. “Jeopardy”
So, what do you think? I’ve never seen “Cosmos”, but the name and host, imply smarts to me. Which show(s) would you add to the list? My personal entry would be “Daily Show with Jon Stewart.” Real news with a twist. Like their website says "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart -- it's even better than being informed."
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Family Sitcoms: Gone the Way of the Dodo
Need a "Heroes" Fix?

The latest news comes from Michael Ausiello of the Ausiello Report at who reported in an exclusive that "Bruce Boxleitner, who played Scarecrow to Sabrina Duncan's Mrs. King in the mid-80s, has snagged a top-secret recurring role that was originally going to be modeled after Sen. John McCain. The character has since been reconceived, and now all I know for sure is that he'll be sharing scenes with a female series regular." (Read full scoop)
Kristin from Watch with Kristin on E! provided this scoop in response to a viewer request for some Season 3 news, "Look for a new villain named Joy. Her power is superspeed—she's lightning-fast, like the Flash. Hiro meets her in a museum. He asks her if she has powers and if she is trying to steal some art. She convinces him she's on the up-and-up...and then makes off with a bunch of paintings. She's described as a nymph-like character with the speed of a cheetah on, er, speed."
As a follow-up to Kristin's scoop, in an Ausiello Report exclusive, Ausiello confirmed that Brea Grant will be filling the role of Joy. Brea last appeared on "Friday Night Lights" as Jean Binnel, Landry's short-lived girlfriend, before he went back to who he rightfully belonged with, Tyra.
Jack Coleman (Noah Bennett) shared plenty of tidbits with TV Guide including these insightful little gems. When asked what's in the cards for Noah Bennett this season, Coleman told TV Guide, "I'm currently incarcerated and at the bottom of Level Five in the company facility. I think there may be an escape in the offing, but at a cost." Asked about Monhinder, Coleman stated "He's not as mild-mannered as he once was."
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
TV's Pit Stops
With all that said, there are three commercials in particular that I've seen in the recent past that I loved. One brought a smile to my heart, the second brought tears to my eyes, and the third made me laugh out loud. Here's a video clip of each.
Echo Gets Adopted (You see what I mean? Aren't you smiling?)
Budweiser 9/11 Tribute (This ad aired only once. It's beautiful in its simplicity and heartbreakingly moving.)
Bud Light Swear Jar (LOL)
Ronald's Metamorphosis
For those of you who have known Patrick Dempsey only as Dr. McDreamy, here’s a photo of him as I best remember him, when he was still Ronald, and the new sleeker model.

Monday, May 5, 2008
Summer TV (Fun in the Sun)
ABC is looking for a one, two punch from "The Bachelorette" (5/19) and the return of "The Mole" (5/26). The bachelorette this season will be DeAnna Pappas, who was rejected by Brad Womack in last season's "The Bachelor". Viewers might recall Womack as the scoundrel that picked neither woman at the end of his season. In "The Mole" the object of the game for contestants is not to find true love, but to compete in challenges, win the most money, and uncover the identity of the "mole" or saboteur hired by the producers to work as a double-agent.
NBC is relying on a couple of talent-themed competitions as their winning ticket. "America's Got Talent" (6/17) is a talent show featuring everything from jugglers, tumblers, dancers, singers, comedians and other performers, including ventriloquists (like last year's winner), all competing for a cash prize of $1 Million. The aptly named "Last Comic Standing" (5/22), is a competition to find the "funniest comic in the planet" according to the NBC website. This year they have some NBC comedy stars, past and present, serving as scouts during the audition process. Scouts include Angela Kinsey aka Angela Martin of Dunder Mifflin on "The Office", George Wendt aka Norm Peterson from "Cheers", and Josh Gomez aka Morgan Grimes on "Chuck", to name a few. The last comic standing, chosen by call-in votes from the public, will win a $250,000 grand prize including an exclusive talent deal with NBC, a brand new Honda, and a starring appearance in Jubilee! at Bally's Las Vegas.
CBS is relying on its sure-fire winner, "Big Brother 10" (7/13) to carry them to victory. Big Brother is the epitome of summer reality TV. It's rarely boring, sometimes scandalous, and always entertaining. The shows puts a group of strangers (houseguests) into the Big Brother house and tapes them 24/7, without any privacy, for our viewing pleasure. In true Big Brother tradition, house guests know to expect the unexpected, as producers throw in twists and surprises to keep the houseguests guessing and the show entertaining.
FOX hopes that "So You Think You Can Dance" (5/22 and 5/28- 2 night/4 hr premiere) dances straight into your hearts and TV sets. The dance competition centers around amateur dancers from all over the country trying to make the top 24 and move on to the live shows where America votes for their favorites. As with American Idol, sometimes the more entertaining (and cringe inducing) performances are during the audition rounds at the start of the season.
I'll end with this message. It's summer, live it up, put off NPR's "All Things Concerned" and PBS' "Masterpiece Theater" until Fall, and instead enjoy a bit of fluff strictly meant to enliven your senses and dull your mind. You can make up those lost brain cells by watching a couple episodes from MENSA International Chairman's list of smartest TV shows of all time. The big cheese at MENSA provided the list during an interview with Fancast. Included on Mensa's list: Jeopardy, Cosmos (with Carl Sagan), and believe it or not, House.

followed by:
These mock warnings set the ominous tone for the onset of the story. The movie is a mix of a Godzilla/monster movie and the Blair Witch. The whole movie is seen from the perspective of a hand held video camera being carried by one of the movie's protagonists. In the first scenes, we are introduced to Rob and Beth, a young couple seemingly in love. In the next scenes, we meet Rob's brother Jason and his girlfriend Lily, who are throwing a farewell party for Rob, who is leaving for Japan. During the party, Jason asks their friend Hud to videotape farewell messages from the party's participants for Rob. During the party, the ground shakes, lights flicker, and loud roars are heard in the distance. After initially assuming it was an earthquake, they quickly realize their mistake. In fact, New York City is under attack from some type of monster. Given the fact that the entire movie is told from the perspective of this group of friends as they try to escape from Manhattan, we never really gain any information as to what the monster is or its origin. The special effects are phenomenal. We see skycrapers crashing down, the collapse of the Brooklyn Bridge and even the head of the Statue of Liberty roll down the street. The early scenes with white billowing clouds of dust rolling down the street towards pedestrians desperately trying to escape were eerily reminiscent of scenes on TV during the 9/11 attacks. An interesting part of the movie is the use throughout the movie of snippets of previously recorded footage which were supposedly on the videotape and which are being recorded over. I enjoyed this movie, and would definitely recommend renting the DVD if you want to see a current day monster movie with great special effects. Check out some of the DVD extras on the special effects used in the movie.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
This Past Week on the Boob Tube

There's plenty of reasons to watch TV next week. On House, Monday will be the last regular episode as we head towards the two-part season finale which starts on 5/12, and on Dancing with the Stars Tuesday results show, they'll be welcoming back some fan favorites from previous seasons, including Apolo Ohno (fangirly yeah!!!) (See "Tune In Alert" post below).
Tune In Alert: Dancing with the Stars (May 6th)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night
S - A - T - U - R - D - A - Y night
S - A - T - U - R - D - A - Y night
S - A - T - U - R - D - A - Y night
Gonna keep on dancin' to the rock and roll
On Saturday night, Saturday night
Dancin' to the rhythm in our heart and soul
On Saturday night, Saturday night
I, I, I, I, I just can't wait, I, I, I, I got a date
At the good ole rock and roll show, I gotta go
Saturday night, Saturday night
Gonna rock it up, roll it up, do it all, have a ball
Saturday night, Saturday night
It's just a Saturday night
It's just a Saturday night
It's just a Saturday night
S - A - T - U - R - D - A - Y night
S - A - T - U - R - D - A - Y night
S - A - T - U - R - D - A - Y night
S - A - T - U - R - D - A - Y night
Whew...Now that I've got that out of my system, we can move on. As I'm sure you know, maybe not, that's from the Bay City Rollers circa 1976. Seeing as how neither of us actually have a date, we're not gonna rock it up, roll it up, do it all, and have a ball, why don't we talk about an appropo subject for a Saturday night, Saturday Night Live (SNL). An old favorite of mine, which in recent year's, in my opinion (you're entitled to have a different one of course) has gone down hill a little. The most recent casts aren't as great as those members from "classic" SNL, like Bill Murray and Jim Belushi, or even more recent years, like Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, or Will Ferrell. I will caveat my statement by saying that it's still one of the funnier things to watch on Saturday night. I will also own up to the fact that as I get older, I find myself more and more comparing everything to how it was when I was younger. I guess nostalgia can be that way, you forget the bad and only remember the good. I'm sure they had their stinky episodes too. Every season does have at least one or two standouts, and these previous years are no exception, I think its Amy Poehler. Given her recent film success with Tina Fey (a huge loss for the show), I wouldn't be surprised to see her move on. That's the problem as a fan. The show really serves as a stepping stone to bigger and better careers, most notably Bill Murray, most recently Will Ferrell, and therefore the great ones ultimately always leave the show. SNL is no longer a must see for me, now I tune in when there's a guest host I think has the potential for some really funny sketch comedy. Thinking back on my favorites, I'd say they were Arianna and Craig (Cheri Oteri and Will Ferrell), the always hopeful and slightly desperate Spartan cheerleaders; Todd and Lisa (Bill Murray and Gilda Radner), the sweet and lovable nerds; and lastly, Roseanne Rosanadana (Gilda Radner, yet again), the intrepid reporter on Weekend Update. I hope you'll enjoy these clips of the brilliant Gilda Radner. The first is of Todd & Lisa from SNL, and the second is from her live show (Gilda Live).
Nerds of Seduction
Roseanne Rosanadana (for cuzr)
Get Ready To Be Swept Away
May sweeps has officially begun! Brace yourself because the networks will pull out all the stops to get you to tune in and watch their shows. Get ready to be dazzled by special guest stars, like Britney Spears on "How I Met Your Mother" (yes, she's returning for another episode) or Steve Buscemi on "ER". You'll be intrigued by cliffhangers and possible deaths or departures (Are rumors true that a staff member is leaving The Office for a spinoff? Is Toby really moving to Costa Rica like he said after his embarrassing incident with Pam?). Even Oprah's getting into the swing of things with a much-hyped interview with sofa-jumping Tom Cruise. Cliffhangers haven't disappointed in the past, like 'Who shot Mr. Burns?' on "The Simpsons", or 'Who Shot J.R.?' on "Dallas", so I'm sure there'll be plenty to keep us on the edge of our seats all summer and tuning in come Fall. In addition, to the season finales for TV series, we also have season finales for perennial reality TV favorites, "American Idol", "Dancing With the Stars" and "Survivor". So if you're curious, you'll have to tune in and watch. Here's a run down of dates for some upcoming season finales:
American Idol, FOX, Tues. 5/20 (last performance); Wed. 5/21 results (2 hours)
Bones, FOX, Mon. 5/19
CSI, CBS, Thurs. 5/15
Dancing with the Stars, ABC, Mon. 5/19 (last dances); Tues. 5/20 results (2 hours)
Desperate Housewives, ABC, Sun. 5/18 (2 hours)
Grey's Anatomy, ABC, Thurs. 5/22
House, FOX, Mon. 5/12 (Pt. 1), Mon. 5/19 (Pt. 2)
How I Met Your Mother, CBS, Mon. 5/19
Lost, ABC, Thurs. 5/29 (2 hours)
Survivor: Micronesia, CBS, Sun. 5/11
The Office, NBC, Thurs. 5/15 (1 hour)
The Simpsons, FOX, Sun. 5/18
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The Good Ol' Days

It was quite a kick to see again some of the familiar faces I so loved as a kid. I was as much a TV addict back then as I am now (not sure what my parents were thinking), so I hope I serve as a warning to all the parents out there - unless you want your kid blogging about TV at 40. I had an extensive list of favorites which I tuned into religiously, including Laverne & Shirley, Facts of Life, Chips, The Love Boat (yes, I was a geek even back then), and Happy Days to name a few. One of my very favorites was "Wonder Woman". I was dutifully impressed by her truth telling lasso and, lest we forget, her invisible plane. Here's a video clip to stir up some fond memories.
While remembering the good ol' days is always fun, here's to hoping the best days are still to come.