Monday, June 8, 2009

SYTYCD Early Favorites

I've been following the new season of SYTYCD and I already have a couple early favorites. I have two guys which I'm rooting for, neither of which is new to SYTYCD fans since both were on last season but didn't make it out of the Vegas round, Brandon Bryant and Evan Kasprzak. I'm not that crazy about the girls, but I do have a soft spot for Kayla Radomski ever since I saw her grandfather start crying during the auditions as he shared the story of sleeping on chairs in dance studios and working two jobs to pay for her dance classes.

I would love to see Evan make it all the way to the end. I just hope he gets a good partner, because your partner can make or break you. Either he/she will carry you further than you expected through great chemistry or likeability or have you dancing for your life on a weekly basis.

Whoever ends up winning, here's to another great season of dance, filled with new awe-inspiring dance routines, such as this one or this one.